Prayer and Praise Wall

September 5, 2024 – Dear God, we come before You today to ask for Your healing hand to be upon all those on our prayer list. The list continues to grow and grow, and it is overwhelming at times to see the pain, suffering, confusion, struggles, loss, etc., that each person is going through.

You walked on the earth, understood the broken world, and healed with Your touch. We pray for all those in need of your touch. Soothe their sorrow, calm their fears, and surround them with Your love. In Your mercy, restore them to health. Fill the gap left in the hearts of those who have lost a loved one. Please be with the families as well, giving them Your strength. Grant them comfort, strength, and wisdom. Restore each of them with Your loving care. May Your peace, which surpasses all understanding, guard their heart and minds.

In Jesus’ name,  Amen.

August 26, 2024 – Lord, thank you for Your abundant, abounding grace. Thank you that we don’t have to earn a drop of the grace that You delivery freely for us daily. Thank you for the unexpected and unearned gift You have given us on our lives. Help us put ourselves in the path of Your love and grace. Help us not neglect the learning we need. He us to meet with You regularly to eat of your break and drink from the water of life. Thank you for your great love and affection You give each of us daily.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

August 13, 2024 – Dear God, It was no accident that we the special scripture for this week was You cleansing us and making us white as snow. You are inviting us to change our direction and to run toward You for forgiveness. I do this so freely and with joy. Thank You for washing me white as snow. I fail You so many times but time and time again You forgive me.

Thank You for all the answered prayers this week and for the godly people in our lives to help keep us on track with Your loving grace.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

August 4, 2024 – Dear God we have so much to be thankful for and yet sometimes we cease to remember to thank You. You have done wonders within our church. You have answered prayers, healed, allowed test results come back with good results, oh so many things to praise and thank You for. We ask God for You to be with the students and teachers as they prepare for this school year to begin. We pray for a shield of protection to surround each of them. May Your loving presence accompany them in every classroom, hallway, and playground. Grant them wisdom to make good choices, discernment to recognize truth, and courage to stand against any challenges they may encounter. Dear God, remind the teachers that You listen and are there, no matter the time, place, or situation. Remind them that You shoulder the weight of their burdens. Help them to turn to You with thanksgiving even when they are exhausted and overworked. Lord, thank You for listening to our prayers and concerns. 

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

July 15, 2024 – Dear God, today we want to thank You for Your amazing power and work in our lives. We thank You for even the toughest of times, because it is in those times our faith is strengthened for Your purposes. Thank You for Your abundant love and care. Thank You for Your continued mercy and grace. Thank You for always being with us. Thank You for never leaving or forsaking us. Thank You for the remarkable sacrifice You gave us so that we might have freedom and life. Forgive us God for not thanking you enough. You have given us so much and none of us are worthy of even a fraction of this gift. Help us to keep our eyes and our hearts on You at all times even through the toughest of times. Revive our spirits and fill us with Your peace and joy. We need you every day and we give praise and thanks to You!

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

June 22, 2024 – Thank you for a successful Vacation Bible School. As it comes to an end we thank You for moving in their hearts and for their parents allowing us to teach them about You. Regardless of why they are attended VBS this year, we pray that they will continue to grow in their knowledge of You. May their understanding of Your love for them and the gift of Your Son be even more rooted in their lives. We pray that they will continue to ask questions, to think about the lessons, and to walk away with a little more knowledge of You than they had before. We ask that they be surrounded by people who can answer their questions about who You are, and remind them of their faith. May they carry the memories of their time in VBS with them and apply it to their everyday lives. We pray that they will see the value in this event and be eager to learn more about the love You have for them.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

June 11, 2024 – Dear God we thank you for the answer to our prayers. We ask you to lead us as we go forth to choose a contractor to build our fellowship hall. We ask that whomever we choose, they are godly people who you have directed us to. Please continue to be with us as this project moves forward.

God, we also thank you for answered prayers within our church family. As you know, we still have so many on the prayer list but we know that You are in control and we continue to place each one in your hands. Be with any medical personnel that are working with our members and direct them as they provide treatment for them.

Thank you God for Your grace and mercy that You give each of us daily.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

May 24, 2024 – Dear God, we ask that you be with our church family. So much has been going on within our church with death and sickness. We know that it is all part of your plan, so please give us the faith and perseverance to keep trusting in you. Please be with Brother Raymond and Brother Billy and be with the physicians as they try to figure out what is going on with each of them and how best to help them. God, be with their spouses and family members are they too await answers. Dear God, please be with Brother Clifton as he has learned that his brother has passed away. Ease the gap left in his heart due to this loss. Fill him with wonderful memories to cherish as he moves forward without his brother. We ask that you continue to be with all the other prayer requests and continue to build our little church into a mountain of worship for You.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

May 22, 2024 – Dear God, we as a church have been put through so much trauma lately but we hold steadfast to You knowing that it is all in Your plan and all for the good of us. Please continue to stand over us during trying times such as these. God we just thank You for all You do for us. Thank You for all the LESSONS You give us because we get so many BLESSINGS each time. Continue to be with our church body and help us to continue to grow in numbers but more importantly to grow our faith in You!

In Jesus’ name, Amen

April 30 – May 4, 2024 – Dear God we ask that you continue to be with NAMBC as we begin our revival. We pray for a spiritual revival in the body of Christ. We ask that You pour out Your Spirit on us so we will be effective witnesses in our homes and communities. Remove divisions and distractions and grant us the spirit of unity and oneness in the body of Christ. Fill us with your grace, mercy, and love. Be with the pastors as they relay Your Word to each of us.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

April 25, 2024 – Praise God! The variance request for our fellowship hall was approved. We will now be able to start building it. Thanks to everyone for all the prayers!

April 7, 2024 – Dear God we wish to give thanks and praise for the news regarding Wesley Morrison’s oldest daughter, Megan. We thanks you for the biopsy coming back as pre-melanoma only. thanks you for the successful surgery and the ability to remove it all! We give You all the praise! !

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

March 22, 2024 – Dear God, Thank You for Your amazing power and work in our lives. Thank You for Your goodness and for Your blessings over us. Thank You that You are Able to bring hope through even the toughest of times, strengthening us for Your purposes. Thank You for Your great love and care. Thank You for Your mercy and grace. Thank You that You are always with us and will never leave us. Thank You for Your incredible sacrifice so that we might have freedom and life. Forgive us for when we don’t thank You enough, for who You are, for all that You do, for all that You’ve given. Help us to set our eyes and our hearts on You afresh. Renew our spirits, fill us with Your peace and joy. We love You and we need You, this day and every day. We give You praise and thanks, for You alone are worthy!

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

March 2, 2024 – Dear God, the past couple of weeks the devil has been trying to invade our church with so much sorrow and death. We ask that You build a wall around us that only lets You intervene and you keep us connected with You knowing Your plan is the greatest way to go. We don’t have to understand we just have to believe..

Today we ask for you to just comfort Brother Tim Harvey’s family as he is now with You in Heaven. Their hearts have a void but are comforted in knowing that he was a child of Yours and he is now with You. Please continue to be with Pastor Andy and Brother Bruce Lynn as they too have a void but the peace and comfort knowing their mom is in Heaven rejoicing with You.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

February 26, 2024 – Father God, we know that You are the God who comforts us. We pray that You provide a time of comfort and rest for those whose hearts are hurting right now. Hold them in Your embrace, Father. Wrap them in Your love and remind them that though they have lost someone dear, they are not alone, for You are with them.

God we come to you today to ask that you be with all those on our prayer list. It seems that the list just continues to grow. We know that you have a plan and are in control. We have faith that you will take care of each request according to your will. Please, Dear Lord, allow us to trust you and give you praise for each request made.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

February 12, 2024 – Dear God, we come to you today for a specific request for Brother Tim Harvey. Terri has asked us for specific prayer requests for him. You have brought them through many obstacles over the past 1 1/2 months. Some specific things to Terri has asked NAMBC to pray about are as follows: As their time is ending at the current rehab facility, they want to be able to get into the next progressive rehab facility that will meet his needs. One that will be the most patient and understanding regarding his conditions. We ask that all paperwork, behind the scenes, gets processed correctly and timely and gets to all of the sources that will need it. We are praying that the right combination of meds will be put into place to help his heart, blood pressure and mood,. We pray that he will be able to do the required three hours of rehab at the next facility, when the time comes. God we that the boys and the rest of the Harvey family will not be negatively impacted by everything that has happened. Please pray that they will have wisdom and discernment in all matters. We know Father that You and only You can provide our requests if it be Your will. Thank you again, God for bringing them this far. We know that You didn’t bring him this far to forsake him, You have a bigger plan. We ask in Jesus’ name that Your will be done.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

January 29, 2024 – Father God, we have been asking for miracles from You daily since Christmas for Brother Tim and his wife Terri Harvey. “Praise God from whom all blessings flow.” 🙌🙌🙌 Today has been a rollercoaster ride kind of day for them. The drain tube they put in Tim’s chest for his lung yesterday didn’t reach the area it needed to so a second tube was inserted, Terri was told that the fluid around his lung was too thick to drain & the only way to possibly drain it was to put a medicine in his chest tube that could possibly break down the thickness, so it might drain. If that didn’t work that he was looking at surgery, if they could even get a surgeon who would do the surgery due to his other conditions. Terri notified New Antioch Missionary Baptist Church, and we started praying for this particular situation. PRAISE YOU, GOD, IT IS DRAINING, even before the medicine to dissolve the thickness has been used. So many others have been so faithful to pray for them as well and we thank You for their faithfulness in praying. We just praise You, God for showing off and letting the fluid flow out of Tim. We will continue to pray for Tim and Terri and watch You go to work on Your plan that far exceeds the devil’s plot.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

January 22, 2024 – Father in heaven, we come to You in prayer for Steve and Libby Lusk, our brother and sister in Christ, who lost their home in a terrible fire early Sunday morning.  We have no idea how they feel right now, and we can barely find words to pray, but we lift Steve and Libby to You right now.

Surround them with Your peace and comfort.  There must be so many questions going through their head. Grant them clarity of thought.  Grant them a clear path to know who to contact.  We pray for You to help them find a place to stay quickly.

We thank You that their insurance was paid up and will eventually enable them to get a new home and replace their possessions.  But we know they have precious mementos that can never be replaced–photos of family and letters from friends and families.

They are so distraught so we ask that in our encounters with them, we can be a peaceful and calming presence for them. We don’t want to add to their stress by asking an ill-conceived question or saying something dumb.  Give us encouraging and uplifting words for them, God.

We pray for Steve and Libby that each next moment be one guided and surrounded by Your care.

In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

December 26, 2023 – Dear God, today we were informed of a friend who needs urgent prayers. We am coming to You, Dear Father, and lifting up Tim Harvey and his precious wife, Terri Harvey, along with the rest of their family, in prayer. We are not sure of all the details. You know what is happening. You know what is needed to heal him, whether here on this earth or complete healing with You in Heaven. The answer is found only in You. Please cover them with Your healing, mercy, and grace. Please take away any apprehension and worry while decisions are being made and the correct path is followed. Lord, please guide the medical staff treating Tim to rely on your for the answers to heal him. May we have peace with Your answer, Lord. Thank You, Father.

In the name of Your Son Jesus, Amen.

November 28, 2023 – Thank You Jesus for Triumphant Tuesday. What a wonderful presence You made. We appreciate the message You put on Brother Danny Neal’s heart and all the wonderful singing New Beginnings provided. Thank You to loving us so much that you gave your Son to save us from our sins. Thank You for providing a path for us to draw closer to you, know you, experience Your grace and mercy. Thank You for all the times that we pull away and think we can do it without You but You are so faithful You don’t let go. You hold on waiting for us to turn back to You. Thank You for always being there and never leaving or forsaking us. Help us to be an instrument for You. Show us how to be a better Christian so others can see You in us. Show us how to love like You.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

November 14, 2023 – Dear God, please forgive our failures and oversights over the past few months. You know the struggles that different families within NAMBC have gone through. We thank You for watching over us during these difficult moments we have endured. Thank You for building our faith in You by showing us to trust You and You will see us through. Thank You God, for loving us.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

August 13, 2023 – Dear God on August 10th you brought baby Lennox Sauceman into this world a few weeks early with questionable health issues upon delivery. Your Holy Power removed all the health issues and he arrived at 4lbs, 15ozs and 19 1/2 inches long as a fully healthy baby. Three days later he is at home thriving in every way. We thank You for this special gift you have given Jordan and Brittney and we thank You for allowing him to be healthy.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

August 13, 2023 – Dear God, today we wish to thank Your for the services brought to use by Pastor Andy. Don’t let us waste our life and pass up the chance to spread the gospel to others. We pray that we will never be ashamed to share the gospel. God we pray that You give us the chance to share the gospel with others, no matter who they are. Give us the power and courage to share our faith with others, and prepare their hearts to receive. 

God there are times when it feels like the trials in our life engulf us like a flood. In those moments when we feel weak and hopeless, remind us of Your steadfast love for us. You are our Rock, and whom we stand. Dear God, we want to grow closer to You and experience Your glory. Lord, teach us Your ways. Teach us and guide us on Your path of love, forgiveness, and grace. Show us how to walk according to Your Word each day.

Lord, we remember Your promise in Jeremiah 17:14, where You declared, “Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for You are my praise.” In faith, we claim this promise for everyone who is on the church’s prayer list and for those who are in need of Your healing touch. Help us, Lord, to always rely on Your strength and Your saving grace, as we remember that even the waves and winds obey Your order. May we always keep the light of faith burning in all the troubles and afflictions we face.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

August 6, 2023 – Dear God, Thank You for the plans you have for our lives. Thank you that You are with us in all of our situations. Forgive us when we don’t trust You to work in our life. Help us to hear Your voice directing us and help us to choose Your plan and path for our lives. Remind us in troubled times to search for You with all of our hearts and we will find You waiting on us.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

July 31, 2023 – Dear God we come before You again thanking You for the services that we received yesterday. You have blessed NAMBC and we praise Your name for all the blessings. We waited and waited for a pastor and had several wonderful men come before the church but none of those men were the one man You had planned for us. We waited patiently like Job for You to give Your blessing on NAMBC. After quite a while You brought Andy before us and all the pieces of the puzzle came together. We didn’t have the struggles that Job had but our waiting period provided us an opportunity to have faith and patience in You and Your plan. Help us to keep our heart and mind focused on You. Don’t let us remove the boundaries that you have around us. Remind us that You created us and we are Your’s.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

July 17, 2023 – Dear God thank you for the leadership you have given to NAMBC. Thank You for showing him the message to bring before us both in the morning and evening services Sunday. As we ponder on his teaching as admit day after day, week after week, Sunday after Sunday, we claim to seek after You. Yet we continue to serve our own interests, and in so doing, blindly oppress our neighbors, both near and distant. We confess that we use our acts of piety to make ourselves feel good about ourselves, to assure ourselves that we are Christians, to confidently claim that we are different from the rest of the world. But, as Isaiah says, we use our piety—our fasts and even this time of praying—to turn our heads upwards to the heights of heaven, while we crush the people around us under our feet. We walk blindly, unaware of our destruction.

We pray that in Your mercy, God, you will go before us, preparing our eyes and ears to contemplate our lives so that we may discover the victims hidden from us, and repent of our sins. Hold us in your grace, O God, that we have the kind of piety and fasting that bears witness to the justice of Your holy embrace with which You hold the whole world. 

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

July 10, 2023 – Dear God, thank You for the wake up call sermons that Pastor Andy brought to us in both the morning and evening services. We confess that sometimes we choose to focus on the negatives, instead of focusing on what You’ve called us to focus on. In every moment of every day, help us focus on whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely and admirable, so that our attitudes may reflect and honor You. Keep our heart from growing cold or bitter. Teach us to remember that we are not a slave to our negative emotions.

We thank You that You are with us in all the storms of life, and the biggest and strongest of storms is not strong enough to stop Your plans and purposes for our life, if only we would trust You. Help us to put our faith in You. Let us always remember and understand that Your ways and Your thoughts higher than our thoughts.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

July 9, 2023 – Praise His Holy Name, God is so so good: Marcus got saved this past week.

July 2, 2023 – Dear God we thank You for the services we had today. Thank You for the knowledge that we are not justified by the works of the Law and that there is nothing that we can say or do to merit our own salvation. We are justified only by faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ on Calvary’s Cross. Thank You that Jesus gave His life as a ransom for us and became a curse on our account so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. Your Word says for us examine ourselves to see it we are in the faith. Lord, we realize that this is not talking to unbelievers but to all of us who are Your children in Christ Jesus. Lord, help us to examine ourselves, and all that we are learning from You and Your Word, so that we truly may say with conviction, “I know in Whom I have believed and am walking in the path on which He has placed me.” Keep us from critical thoughts of others, and prevent us from having a spirit of control, or by pretending to hold others accountable to You, when the beam in our own eye is greater than the speck that is in other’s eye. Keep us humble before Your throne of grace. Dear God, thank You for all our Christian friends and family. Keep us all walking close to You in the days that lie ahead.

In Jesus’ name I pray, AMEN.

June 25, 2023 – Praise God, today we had 4 people join the church, Kay Shelby, Drama Hamilton, Sue Grubb, and Lee Hensley. We welcome them to the NAMBC Family. God is so good, little by little, day by day…NAMBC is on the move!

June 25, 2023 – Heavenly Father, today’s sermon from Pastor Andy, “While I was praying…”, and the sermon by Doyle Miskee (? spelling) “How strong is your faith?” were a blessing. Thank You for the Godly men that speak Your word to us. Pastor Andy reminded us that “while we are praying” You always hear our prayers, time slows down, we grow closer to You and by lifting others up in prayer it allows us to help others. Praying allows us to give our burdens to You. When we pray we are joining with all Christians past and present, lifting your voices to You. Prayer gives us an opportunity to praise You for all that You have done and have yet to do.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

June 19, 2023 – Heavenly Father, today we thank You for our earthly fathers as we celebrate Father’s Day. Pastor Andy delivered a great message to the fathers today called “Don’t fall our of God’s way”. We pray for all the fathers, that You would raise up mighty men, godly men, in this generation, those who would know and honor You with their entire lives. We pray that they would stand firm in the faith, walk wisely, and follow hard after You. May they grow in their love and passion for You, for their families, and in the calling to follow You above all else. Thank You for dads who fight for their families, who do battle in prayer over those they love. Dear God, I especially thank You for my daddy and the morals he instilled in my sister and I. Fill him with the best of Your blessings, so that one day he will stand before You and hear Your ultimate words of praise, “Well done, my son, well done!”

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

June 18, 2023 – Congratulations Tom McCall for winning the Father’s Day Bible.

June 12, 2023 – Dear God, what a blessing it was to be in Your house yesterday and hear the message Pastor Andy brought before us. We pray that You will be in our midst today. Make it apparent that Your presence is real to us. Strengthen us in our daily living that in joy and in sorrow we may know the power of Your presence to bind together and to heal. Lift us up so we can be an example to others. We need Your power and Your strength. We ask that You fill us with Your Spirit of love and unity. We ask for your help to set aside our differences and look to the greater cause, Christ. Please help us to truly live out a life of love. We know that this is only possible through the power of Your Spirit, so we ask that You move across our community in amazing ways, with fresh awareness, turning Your people back to You, allowing others to come to know You. We need Your unity and Your love to stir our hearts and give direction to our days. We need Your wisdom to guide us. We need Your Spirit to lead us, to live out godly lives that would bring honor to You. We thank You for always being with us.

Today, God, we bind ourselves to the Spirit of Truth, that we may receive the Spirit of Wisdom in order that we may know You. Jesus Christ is LORD of our life; we bind our freewill to His Blood and Love Covenant. We will fully worship the LORD our God with all our heart, all our soul and all our mind. We bind ourselves to the written Word, of Your promises, of Your strength with peace, fullness of joy and the everlasting love of Christ through His grace and salvation.

We free ourselves from any unintentionally or intentionally agreement made with Satan in our life. We free ourselves of every form of spiritual bondages, oppression, and deception of the carnal mind. We choose the saving grace of You, God, into the captivity and obedience of Jesus Christ.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

June 6, 2023 – Thank You God for being with Brother Billy as he had his the injection in his hip. We ask that this injection does what it is meant to do and relieve the pain that he endures each day. We trust that You will heal Brother Billy and his pain will be no more.

Dear God, we thank You for being with Sister Cindy during her cardiac workup and letting all of those results be good. We ask that You also provide her with good results from her brain imagery. We trust that You will heal her in all the areas that her body needs healing.

We lift Sister Jane Lane up to you in prayers. She has multiple health issues and we ask that You wrap Your arms around her and heal her from head to toe. Take away the dizziness that she feels, remove the paid within her back and neck areas and along her legs. We trust in Your ability to do so.

God, please be with Chris and Hannah Norton and their little unborn baby. You know the situation and we trust in You to take care of that precious baby.

In Jesus’ name, AMEN.

June 4, 2023 – Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for allowing Pastor Andy and First Lady Stacy have a wonderful time away for vacation and bringing them safely back to us. Thank You for the service Pastor Andy delivered to us Sunday morning and for the message Brother Morgan Watson provided Sunday evening. You have searched us and You know where You want us to go. You have called us to be a people of faith and action. Do not let us get caught up into feeling we just aren’t good enough because of the times that we have messed up and failed You. Help us instead to diligently seek your forgiveness in humility, and then accept that forgiveness You give freely to us. Your intention is never to crush me, but to love me. Help us to accept the greatness of Your love, Lord. Help us to rise up, shake off the dust, remove those chains of bondage, and accept the freedom that You have given to us. Show us how to live out our faith to the best of our abilities, God, so that You will be glorified in our life.

In Jesus’ name, AMEN. 

June 3, 2023 – We praise you God and life up Your Holy Name. Thank You for the healing of Brother Raymond Pratt’s infection around his pacemaker. Thank You for iron infusion working to level out his bloodwork. Thank You for allowing him to not have to have surgery to remove his pacemaker. We put our trust in You to heal his Mitral Valve leakage.

God we also praise You for being with Sister Karen Grills. Thank You for the physicians getting her on the correct antibiotic regimen to clear the sepsis that was attacking her blood. Please continue to be with her as she continues to make a full recovery.

You have been busy with NAMBC’s requests as You once again showed out. Thank You, God for the news shared with us concerning Billy and Carolyn Geames’ daughter, Stephanie. We praise You for letting her be in the first stages of Leukemia and that the type she has is not only treatable but curable as well.

Thank You once again for Your blessings on our little church.

In Jesus’ name, AMEN.

May 29, 2023 – Dear God, we thank You for the great message that Brother Jimmy Sharp delivered to us yesterday. We ask you guide us through our weaknesses and provide us reassurance that You will always be there for us. God we pray that You will help us lean on Your strength in our weaknesses. We praise You for Your ultimate victory over evil through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. God, we learned that we don’t have to be somebody special to do something special. One of the biggest lies of the devil is that You only use special people, but like all lies of the devil this one is based on a half-truth. You do use only special people. However, You don’t use them because they are special, they are special because You use them. You have a place for everyone and when we are in our place, good things will happen. Thank You, Lord for Your blessings on us.

In Jesus’ name, AMEN.

May 22, 2023 – Dear God, thank You for the heart felt message that Pastor Andy brought to us yesterday. He asked us the question, “Do you know Him?” He was emphasizing to us that we are all a slave to something or someone. We are either a part of Your family or Satan’s. God please let our thoughts, words spoken, our actions, the company we keep, the behavior we exhibit day in and day out,  the things we have done, etc., all be a part of You. Do not let us be a slave to sin that leads to death but rather let us seek to be a slave to obedience that leads to life everlasting through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Let us be like Hezekiah and cleanse our temple and remove all the sinful items. Let us die daily unto You. Wash us clean Lord, and cleanse us of our sins. Search out any wicked ways in us and renew a right spirit within our heart. Restore in us the joy of Your salvation that we once enjoyed and loved. Thank You, Lord, that You remain faithful even when we are unfaithful to You.

In Jesus’ name, AMEN.

May 21, 2023 – Praise God, today we had 2 people join the church, DJ and Tabatha Powell. We welcome them to the NAMBC Family. God is so good, little by little, day by day…NAMBC is on the move!

May 17, 2023 – Dear God, we thank You for the message that Pastor Andy brought to us on Mother’s Day. Thank You for giving our mothers and grandmothers the anointing through faith in You that they transfer to us giving us the knowledge of You. A woman of faith shares her wisdom with her kids. Let us all be women and men of faith. I praise You for allowing us to be part of a godly family that had influenced on our walk with You. for Thank You for the privilege and opportunity we have to instruct the children You have placed in our care, in the ways of the Lord. Help us to be diligent in training them up in the way they should go, and bring them to a saving faith.

In Jesus’ name, AMEN.

May 14, 2023 – Congratulations to Vicki Phillips on winning the Mother’s Day Knock-out Rose bush.

May 9, 2023 – Dear God, Thank You for the messages brought to us Sunday by Pastor Andy and Brother Jeremiah. We all have a story that we can share. Some of our stories don’t start out so good but end up amazing and others of us go from nothing to good then back to nothing because we have stepped away from You but are trying to get back to that amazing time.

We ask you to make us submissive and gentle in our Christian witness but let us be ready when called into the war of defending You against false teachers and unbelievers.  Help us God to remember we are not called to war in the flesh, we are to use our Bibles as our sword, and to call on You to go to war for us. Help us to completely maintain faith and speak Your Word and be ready to give an answer for the hope we have in You.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

May 2, 2023 – Dear God, we thank You for the time of prayer we had Sunday morning and for the service Pastor Andy presented to us Sunday evening. God, we thank You for fighting our battles for us. Thank You for making us strong through You. We ask You to strengthen our hands for war, and give us total victory over every force of darkness we are up against. Help us rise against the powers of evil that make our lives difficult. You call the mighty men and women to be prayer warriors. Please Father God, prepare us to be ready to rise up and be totally dedicated to being your soldier. The time is drawing near, and the time of decision is coming. We ask you to protect us and our family with your blood. Keep us in the full armor of You.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

April 25th – God we can’t thank You enough for the answer to our prayers in bringing us a godly, honest, Christ loving, Bible preaching pastor like Pastor Andy. We thank You for the messages You place on his heart each week to bring to us. In Isaiah 10: 27, we are told that You will remove the heavy burden from our shoulders and break off the yoke of bondage from our necks because of the heavy anointing power of the Holy Spirit. God, we are reminded in 1 Chronicles 4: 9-10 that no matter how insignificant we may think we are, or how unclear life is, we can & will make an impact for Your glory if we just keep asking. By going to Your Word for guidance, we will be made stronger each day and little by little the walls around us will disappear if we continue to walk by faith and not by sight. God, we ask you to do it again and do it through us.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

April 23, 2023 – Dear God we praise You and thank You for the wonderful news of Brother Raymond Pratt’s kidney results. Please continue to keep watch over him and continue to heal he areas of his body in which sickness/disease has tried to set in. Again, we thank You for the improvement of his kidneys and the love You show us each day.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

April 17. 2023 – Jesus, we want to thank You for the message Pastor Andy provided to us Sunday. Jesus we thank You for the remission of sin in our lives. Without You sacrificing Your life and shedding Your blood to purify us we would remain lost. Through You we can have the faith that You will always be with us, guiding us to face our oppositions. You go before us and clear the path. Let us continue to pray when we not only have difficulties but when we see the wonderful blessings each day that You send to us. Thank You not only for all the big things in our lives, but for the little things that actually are more meaningful in the big picture of life. Thank You for all of Your lessons because without them we wouldn’t be able to see all the blessings You give us daily. In good time and bad times, let us pray without ceasing.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

April 10, 2023 – Heavenly Father – what can we say because thank you isn’t nearly enough to express our thanks for You sending Your Son to die for us. How can we even phantom how much love You have for us that You would do that? God, we thank You for the wonderful Easter Sunrise Service (Brother Jody Darden) and Easter Service (Brother Jimmy Sharp) brought before us. You sent Your Son for all sinners not the righteous. He took 39 stripes for our sins. He did not allow the tomb to hold Him, instead he conquered death so that we could be saved by Your Grace. Please let us, as Christians, be the one who stays with Him during not just the bad times but allow us to rejoice Him in the good times as well. Convict those who are Sunday Christians. Let today be our day of reconciliation with You.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

April 3, 2023 – Dear God, we come before You asking You to be with Scott Reed during this tragic journey he is on. We pray for his salvation and in knowing the walk of faith is a long journey, we ask You to give him the time along this journey to accept You as his Savior. God right now he does not know Jesus and cannot see his need for Him, nor can he see His goodness. We pray that his spiritual eyes are opened to the reality of his desperate need for Jesus. We pray that he will see Him for who He really is. God soften his heart so that You can transform him. A heart of stone cannot be shaped. Make his a heart like clay so You can mold him. We pray he will grow soft enough to receive Your grace and mercy. We ask You, God, to give him a desire to know more about the Bible and what it has to say. We pray that he will not only develop an interest but will gain a love for the Word of God. We humbly seek You on behalf of Scott. We pray in confidence, and with patience, that You will have Your way, in Your time. We know You are patiently waiting for Scott to come into Your Kingdom. God, we just ask You give him the time to come to this realization himself.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

April 3, 2023 – Dear God, we thank You for the blessed services we received yesterday by Brother Jimmy Sharp and Pastor Andy. God, as our potter You made us and molded us in Your image, yet we fail You so much each and every day. Thank you for loving us so much that even though You knew that we would compromise, doubt, be unfaithful, hurt someone, or be unforgiving, You STILL gave us promises in You that gives us the victory and glorifies your name!

Oh, God, how great You are. Thank you, dear Lord, for not giving up on us when we are so much less than You intend. Thank You for Your patience and mercy. Thank You for continuing to shape us even when we resist You and Your work. Help us to live each moment for You. May we always acknowledge You as our potter, not only in our words but also through our works. Father, we pray from now in faith, and with confidence that You will hear us, and You will answer!

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

March 27, 2023 – Dear God, what can we say but WOW! What a wonderful day Sunday was. We thank You for the Holy Spirit being present at NAMBC both Sunday morning with Pastor Andy and Sunday evening with Brother Jody Darden. We are so thankful for the things You have planned for us and excited to continue to see our church grown.

God, show us Your glory in all things. Keep us focused on being a church known for praying, for always depending on You and for crying out to You for the sake of knowing You. Please let Your Holy Spirit fill our hearts so that we experience Your life-giving presence and the life-giving presence of Your Son Jesus Christ.

Our mission is to wins souls to Jesus! Keep us focused God on doing just that. God, please strengthen our church and the leaders so we can make a difference where You have placed us. God, bring people in our community closer to You, and use NAMBC to change the community in which we are a part of. Help us to become more conscious of the needs of Your people. Remind us that even if it is just one, that one is important.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

March 27, 2023 – PRAISE GOD! Baby Craig, the 2lb, 8oz, 29 week gestation baby, got to go home with his mommy and daddy today. The Craig family says thanks for all the prayers! God is good!

March 23, 2023 – Dear God, we lift up the Wilkerson family who is mourning the loss of a loved one. We ask that You bring them comfort in the midst of this life-shaking event. Thank you for Your promise to walk with and even carry them as they travel through the darkness of grief. Thank You for being the God of comfort who holds us in Your hand. We praise You for holding them close and giving them rest.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

March 20, 2023 – God is doing great things at NAMBC!! In the past couple of weeks we have had a total of 7 people join our church. Praise God for the blessings He give us!

March 30, 2023 – Dear God, we thank You for the messages brought to us by Pastor Andy and Brother Jonathan Grills. Because of sin we are all under the curse of death. You graciously provided a cure for this curse. Thank You for sending Jesus as our substitute for our sin, that He was lifted up on the cross for our sake. He took the punishment that we deserve. We are all so unworthy of this love You give to us. The only requirement You ask of us to be healed is to look in faith to Your son, Jesus Christ. Search us God. Remind us to examine ourselves and ask each day for forgiveness of our daily sins. Let us know that we are saved, and our sins have been paid in full by Your son Jesus Christ.

We pray that we will lift up the wonderful name of Jesus to all with whom we come in contact so that they may hear the good news of His glorious grace and look to Him for salvation and life. We don’t visually see Jesus, but we see Him through our life experiences each and every day. God, please provide us with the peace of knowing You have sent a comforter to us. Give us the peace of knowing that our name is written in Your will.

What a blessing that You have brought to NAMBC. The Holy Spirit is flowing through our church and touching souls. We are excited to follow the path You have before us.

 In Jesus’ name, Amen.

March 14, 2023 – Dear God, we thank You for messages that Pastor Andy provided for us Sunday. We thank You for Your Holy Spirit flowing through the services. Thank You for those who joined NAMBC. God, You are doing wonderful things at NAMBC, and we are so excited to see where You take us.

In 2 Chronicles 7:14 and again in Nehemiah 1: 6-9, You remind us to seek You, repent and turn from our wicked ways. If we do these things, You will forgive us and heal us. Lord, please search us and bring us back to You when we veer off the path You have put before us.  Help us to always to put our faith and trust in You and not in everyone and everything else. We pray for guidance as we listen for Your voice. When we get distracted or turn away, let us return to what is most important—You. Help us to seek You first. Let our relationship with You be the most important thing in our life. Help us to live strong and walk wisely and be filled by the power of Your Spirit.

Thank You, Jesus, for helping us, loving us, and showing us the way. Thank You for new mercies, and for forgiving us.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

March 3, 2023 – Dear God, we thank You for the Sunday morning (Brother Jimmy Sharp) and evening services (Pastor Andy) brought to us. What a blessing both services were.

We can be assured that on a certain day(s) a storm(s) will come, and we may become afraid or our faith may begin to fade. We ask that, at that time, we will remember not to be afraid because with You we are never alone. You go before to prepare our way. Thank You, Jesus, for that promise. Thank You for allowing us to choose to be happy and excited that You give us an opportunity each and every day to get up, repent, and resist sin. Each day we get to wake up with the choice to grow closer to You.

God, we also want to thank You for answering our prayers and providing Brother Andy Lynn, and his family, to our congregation. He is a pastor that seeks You with a whole heart. We pray that as he faithfully delivers Your Word to us all week by week, he will be encouraged to know that he is fulfilling Your commission to go into all the world and teach the gospel. God, we ask that You please show him the way. Give him Your vision and grant him Your clarity, make complex things simple. Then give him the boldness to step out in faith to accomplish Your plans for our ministry and for our church.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

February 28, 2023 – Dear God, we come to before You today to thank You for the bundle of joy You have brought into Rev. Jonathan & Karen Grills’ life, the healthy birth of their grandson, Jonathan Allen Grills. Thank You for being with mom and dad (Andrew and Sharon Grills) as well, and for keeping them safe and healthy. We ask You to continue to be with them as well as the rest of the family as they enjoy the newborn that will fill their hearts and homes with love and joy. We know that they will share the good news of the Gospel with this him so he can develop a strong relationship with You. Your blessings are the best blessings.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

February 27, 2023 – Dear God, we thank You for bringing Pastor Andy to deliver your messages to NAMBC. We praise You that You have shown Yourself faithful to us.

The Bible tells us that in this life we will have trouble. We can be certain that we will face dark days, days where we feel as if we might not make it. We will be tested and tried, tossed by the storms of this life. During these times, God please give us the ability to be a servant like Job, never wavering from You.

Help us to be strong in the Lord, like Joshua. Teach us to rely on You in all the problems of life that we may face, knowing that You are with us wherever we go.  Thank You that You have promised to be with us though all the seasons and circumstances of our life, and You are faithful to Your promises even when we fail you. We pray that we will not fear the difficulties and but will allow You to use them to train and perfect us into the person You want us to be.

When our lives fall apart, when we experience extreme loss, it is never the end of the story when we are walking with God. Despite loss and devastation, we can find that the second half of our life is even more blessed than the first because we serve a God who is in the business of redeeming everything we ever experience; and because You are a God who has the ability to make beauty from ashes and who can resurrect our lives from the dead.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

February 23, 2023 – Dear God we come before You today to give You praise for all You are doing within our church. We give thanks for the services provided to us by Your servant, Brother Andy Lynn, brought to us on Sunday. He reminded us that You alone are our Shepherd. You are our Father not only in the good times but in the bad times as well. You will always watch over us if we put our anchor in Your unseen hand. God, please give perseverance to those who have been weeping. Give grace, strength, patience, hope for those whose sorrow seems to be unceasing right now.

God, we pray Your word over every single person. We pray for those who don’t know You as their Shepherd. God, we pray that today would be the day that they would come to know You as their Shepherd. We pray for all who put their trust in Jesus as Savior and Lord and have become Your children by faith, by grace through faith in Jesus. We praise You as our Shepherd.

We pray that in our own life and in the life of others who maybe are not going through difficulty right now, but we don’t know what lies around the corner. God, help us to always see that the struggles and sorrows of this world are ultimately temporary. We praise You for that reality. We praise You for the promise that one day sin and sorrow will be no more. As we endure with faith in You, our cry shall turn to joy soon because after every night comes the morning. Sadness and weeping are realities in a fallen, sinful, sorrowful world. There is so much sadness and mourning in this world. We pray for the people we know who’ve lost precious loved ones over recently, and for others who’ve been hurt in significant ways by relationships and things that have been done to them. God there is such grief, hurt, sadness and sorrow we face each day. But, God we know that the sorrow will not have the last word. Sickness and disease will not have the last word because You always have the last word. We praise You for that promise.

God, we pray that You would help us to keep our eyes fixed on eternity and live today in light of what matters forever with confidence, and the fact that we will dwell in Your house with You in a new heaven and a new earth with You as our shepherd, satisfying our souls forever and ever and ever. All glory be to Your name.

In Jesus’ name. Amen

February 13, 2023 – Dear God, once again we thank you for the messages brought to us by Brother Andy Lynn. Thank You for the comfort, peace, and joy that we gained from them. Thank You for your loving kindness and long suffering towards us. We ask You to guide us down the right path where our lives will be more fulfilled. It is such a comfort to know that no matter what destruction and chaos the devil brings our way, we do not need to fear because we know that You are with us, ​and Your protection is unfailing. Thank You for being with us during our darkest nights or moments of our greatest fears and uncertainties. Thank You that no matter what difficulty and pain we may go through in this life You are always there with us. Please help us to remember that weeping will be replaced with laughter, and pain with joy. May we always see Your face in every moment and remember that we will find hope and joy in the morning.  

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

February 5, 2023 – Dear God, We just want to thank You for the wonderful services that Brother Andy Lynn brought to us yesterday. Thank you for his obedience in following your request as to the needs of our church in the messages he has provided to us. 

Thank You that Jesus is all we need for life and godliness. Thank You that in Him are the words of eternal life. Thank You that in Him we have been made Your sons and daughters and that the many promises of God are ours, through faith in Him – not only in this world but in the ages to come. Give us understanding, we pray, so that we may know You better. Increase our knowledge and understanding of Scripture, so that we will not be deceived by a wolf in sheep’s clothing or led astray by unbiblical teachings. Keep us looking to Jesus and help us to grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus.

God, thank You for giving us abundant life through Jesus Christ. We believe that You have a good plan for our future. God, we praise You for Your power. We need only to look to You because You will go before us and fight our battles. Please forgive us for the times we have taken our eyes off You and become shaken and fearful. Help us step out in faith, knowing You go before us.

In Jesus’ Name,


January 29, 2023 – Dear God, we thank You for the services brought to us by Brother Andy Lynn. Lord, thank You for being the Bread of Life.
You are the One who satisfies our soul’s deepest desire with the joy of salvation. We come to You with praise and gratitude for all that we have.
Open our eyes and the eyes of all to see You as the only Bread for spiritual hunger but, also, to see Your presence in the faces of all who have physical hunger. Give us opened souls, courage, willing hearts and the words to be with our sisters and brothers who hunger for so
much. For when we care for them, we care for You.

We ask this in the Jesus’ name,


January 23, 2023 – Dear God, thank You for the services brought to us by Pastor Jimmy Sharp about following Jesus’ example and not throw stones but to have victory in Jesus. Lord, We want this year to be a season of building and growing into Your will. Help us to see the stones that need to be cleared out in our personal life, work, attitudes, and schedule. Help us to avoid the natural self-condemnation that comes when we fail to reach the ideals we aspire to. Reveal to each one of us directly or through some trusted person at least one thing that needs to be cleared out so that we can make room for what’s most important in Your eyes. Give us courage to clear out the stones that we have been living with for far too long, so that You can build something that is life-giving and that lasts beyond us. 

We ask for Your help in remembering to put on our full armor every day, for You give us all that we need to stand firm in this world. Forgive us God for the times we’ve been unprepared, too busy to care, or trying to fight and wrestle in our own strength.

Thank You that we never fight alone, for You are constantly at work on our behalf, shielding, protecting, strengthening, exposing deeds of darkness, bringing to light what needs to be known, covering us from the cruel attacks we face even when we’re unaware.

In Jesus; name, Amen.

January 21, 2022 – Dear God, today we learned of the death of Geneva Thornhill. We lift up her husband and our friend Robert and his daughter, Cindy, who are mourning the loss of a wife and mother. We pray that You bring them comfort amidst this painful event. We hold on to Your promise of walking with us through the darkest valleys of our lives, and we know we are not alone, especially during this difficult time. With this condolence prayer, we pray that their hearts are soothed as they find strength in You. Please watch over them and take away their anguish, so that they may see Your light at the end of the tunnel. We pray that they do not lose hope as they grieve, for You have great plans for them amidst all this pain. Protect their heart and mind with Your peace, Lord.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

January 17, 2023 – Dear God, there are so many NAMBC members who are sick at this time, but You are the divine physician, You are the healer of the sick. We come to You in this time of need. We place our worries, anxieties, concerns, and struggles, on You who carries our burdens for us. Grant us grace and strength to accept the will You have for us. We place all the illnesses within our church under Your care and humbly ask that You restore us if it is Your will. Grant us health we pray if it is Your will, and give us grace to endure this journey, acknowledge Your will, and know that whatever You have You will give us the strength to endure.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

January 9, 2023 – Dear God, Thank You for the uplifting, eye opening services You provided to NAMBC yesterday through Your servants, Rev. Travis Phelps and Pastor Jimmy Sharp.  Thank You for the light You shine for each of us. We ask for You to give us the boldness to shine our light in Jesus name. We don’t want to hide our light under a basket. Fill us with holy boldness in Jesus’ name.

Father, shine Your light onto our path. Your light exposes evil. In You there is no darkness. Show us the way to go oh Lord. Help us Father to say no. Don’t let us go on a wrong journey. Point us in the right direction, keeping us on the path of righteousness, in Jesus’ name. God, we thank You for deliverance. Remove enemies who act as friends from our life. Help us to see clearly, to discern so that we don’t fall into any evil pit. Thank You, Lord, for Your church. Thank You for Your word that is a lamp for our feet. Father, remove distractions from our life, those things that are preventing us from studying Your Word. Help us to focus on Your word.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

January 2, 2023 – Dear God a new year has begun with an appropriate services yesterday provided to us by Pastor Jimmy Sharp about making commitments and Pastor Tim Harvey reminding us that there is hope.

God, we thank You that You make all things new. Thank You for all that You’ve allowed into our lives this past year, the good along with the hard things, which have reminded us how much we need You and rely on Your presence filling us every single day.

We pray for Your Spirit to lead US each step of this New Year. We ask that You will guide our decisions and turn our heart to deeply desire You above all else. We ask that You will open doors needing to be opened and close the ones needing to be shut tight. We ask that You would help us release our grip on the things to which You’ve said “no,” “not yet,” or “wait.” We ask for help to pursue You first, above every dream and desire You’ve put within our heart.

We ask for Your wisdom, Your strength and power to be constantly present within us. We pray You would make us strong and courageous for the road ahead. Give us the ability beyond what we feel able. Let Your gifts flow freely through us, so that You would be honored by our life, and others would be drawn to You.

We pray for understanding and wisdom to know Your will, hear Your voice, and follow Your ways. We ask that You would keep our feet firm, on solid ground, helping us to be consistent and faithful. Give us strength to stay the course, not being too easily distracted by other things that would seek to call us away from a close walk with You.

Forgive us for the times we thought we could do it on our own, forgetting our need for You, living independent of Your Spirit. Forgive us for letting fear and worry control our mind, and for allowing pride and selfishness rule over our life. Forgive us for not following Your ways and for living distant from Your presence.

We ask that You would provide for our needs, and for Your grace and favor. We pray for Your blessings to cover us, and that You would help us to prosper and make every plan in our heart to succeed. We pray that others would take notice of Your goodness in us. Help us to be known as great givers, generous and kind, and to look to the needs of others. May we be lovers of truth, may the fruit of Your spirit be evident in our family – Your love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Help us as a church family to be committed to the vision and mission of this church: to make Jesus Christ the center, to go & tell about You, to love and share, to know and grow, to serve and sacrifice. Hope is the anchor of our soul. We place our confidence in You and You alone. Our life has a purpose and with You being for us, who can be against us?

Lord, please shine Your light in us, through us and over us. May we make a difference in this world, for Your glory and purposes. Set Your way before us. May all Your plans succeed, and may we reflect Your peace and hope to a world that so desperately needs Your presence and healing.

To you be glory and honor, in this New Year, and forever.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

December 26, 2022 – Thank You God for Christmas Morning and the message that Pastor Jimmy Sharp brought before us. The Great Anticipation after being silent for 400 years, You send Gabriel to Mary to pass the message she has been chosen to bring forth You Son, Jesus. For 9 months Mary and Joseph anticipated the birth of Jesus. In anticipation of the birth of the Savior, the wise men upon seeing the star of Bethlehem, followed it to see Your Son, Jesus. We learned that Simeon was eagerly anticipating the Messiah to come and rescue Israel. Finally the anticipation of the crucifixion and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. You loved us so much that you did all of this and gave your only begotten Son up to death to save us. Thank you, Lord God, for loving us when we all are so unworthy.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

December 19, 2022 – Thank you God for the message brought to us by Pastor Tim Harvey regarding the 5 day journey to Bethlehem where the birth of Your Dear Son, Jesus occurred. In the book Micah the prophecy of His birth was laid out to us. May we always remember that this season is the season for recognition of Jesus’ birth. The prophecy was incarnation where You changed to Man. This was followed by the virgin birth where the Holy Ghost overshadowed Mary and she became pregnant with Your Son, Jesus. It was then prophesied that everyone was to make known and spread the word that Your Son was to be born. The innkeeper had blind eyes and was not aware that the Messiah was soon on His way so there were no rooms available in the inn but a lonely stable was provided for Mary’s comfort. So many times were are have blind eyes to what You place before us, please help each of us keep open eyes and an open heart to the plan You have set aside for us. Finally the watch tower where we, the watchmen, are standing on the wall, just asking. God, help us to ask for this all the time, every day, knowing that not one of those prayers is in vain, that one day, that last prayer’s going to break through into Heaven, and your kingdom is going to come, and your will is finally going to be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

In our lives, God help us to walk in your will. Help us to do justice. God, help us to love righteousness. Help us to live with holiness. God, make our lives more and more like Jesus every day. We pray in anticipation of the day when our transformation into his likeness will be complete. God, please bring it about, and we pray you would make us a people who, until the day we breathe our last breath, we’re giving you no rest from pleading for the fulfillment of your promises on the Earth. God, may it be so. Come, Lord Jesus. Come quickly, we plead.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

December 12, 2022 – Thank you God for allowing Mary to carry the name above all names in her womb, knowing that He would be in the cradle that would rock the world, and every knee shall bow to the blessed name of Jesus. Thank you for the service that Pastor Tim Harvey provided to us this past Sunday morning on the prophecy of Isaiah having a dream about Jesus, telling him that the Government will be on His shoulders and His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God. Thank you for the evening service he also provided about Your 5 Appointments: An appointed birth, appointed time, appointed place, appointed sacrifice and the appointed day.

You have blessed NAMBC over the past couple of years with wonderful pastors filling in when Tommy wasn’t able to and then after his death. We trust that you will provide us with a pastor that will grow our church and bring us closer to you.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

December 8, 2022 – Thank you Dear Lord for directing the hospital staff in treating Georgie King and allowing her to return home. Please continue to be with her each day.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

December 5, 2022 – Dear God, our heavenly Father, what a wonderful service you lead Pastor Jonathan Grills to bring before the congregation on Sunday. What a joy and privilege to be called Your child. We long that Your Spirit works deeply within our heart so that we may grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Through the growing knowledge of You, we are given Your divine power as partakers of divine nature by the Holy Spirit being in us. We humbly pray that You will increase our desire to know You more and to love You better. Please continue to supply us with the grace, strength for self-control, and patience to abide in Your love, so that we may show forth the beauty of Jesus in our life each and every day.

May our life and all we say and do, be honoring to You and draw us ever closer to Your heart of love.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

November 28, 2022 – Lord God, Thank You for the services brought to us by Pastor Darin Lane on choosing Your side and all the goodness You have done for us. Lord, we choose You! We want to stand on Your side. Strengthen us into our inner man, Lord, to reject Satan’s distractions and not pay attention to his continual bothering. Lord, make us Your house of prayer, those who have the spirit of grace and supplications. May we see what’s really going on. May we see the warfare and the battle, and may we no longer be passive but be actively praying.

Thank You not only for Your countless blessings but for the challenges that draw us near to You. Thank You for the hard moments when You gave us the strength to wait out the storm.  You are so good. Whatever storms come into our life, You are our Rock and our Shelter. Thank You for Your sustenance that fills us, Your light that surrounds us, and Your love that never fails.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

November 21, 2022 – God, Thank You for the services brought to us by Pastor Darin Lane on coming to Your presence and having enough God in us to overcome trials in a Christ like way. We come before You and thank You for Your presence with us. You promise to never leave us or forsake us. Even on days that are long and leave us feeling weary and empty, we know that You have not left us. On the days when our circumstances have consumed us, You hold us. You are with us and will not let us go.

Even the darkness is not dark to You — You are the creator and the light of Your presence shines through our darkest days.

May those who are tired and overwhelmed find You to be a close comfort. Show them that You are walking beside them, carrying them through today. Lift their heads to see the ways that You are present. Thank You for being Emmanuel, the God who walks with us.

Thank you, Lord, that when we repent and ask for forgiveness, that You remember our sins no more. Lord, although we still remember and may not forget hurt, you have given us the greatest example of forgiveness. You sent Your son to walk the same earth we walk to experience the same hurt and betrayal we do, and yet He chose to forgive.

Help us to follow in Jesus’s example. Remind us that prayer is one of our greatest weapons and through continual prayer, praying for our enemies, You will begin to soften our hearts and give us the strength to forgive them. Please always let us to have enough God in us that we can be more like You and less like ourselves.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

November 13, 2022 – Dear God, Thank You for the services provided to NAMBC by Pastor Will Cate yesterday. We praise You that Raymond and Crissy Pratt were healthy and back at church this morning!!

Thank You for Your love and protection over my life and for providing all my needs according to Your riches in glory. I thank You for upholding my life and destiny from the eye of evil marauders who are seeking to destroy it. I pray for forgiveness of my sins, for all iniquities that I have committed, have mercy on me and pardon me please God. Let the Holy Spirit continue to guide my steps so that I won’t go back to my sinful nature. Let every evil veil threatening to decimate my glory be destroyed. By Your word, I command whatever is not of You in my life and destiny to come out and die.

I pray that You provide the strength I need to forgive those who have offended me and hurt me. It can be so easy to want them to be punished for the wrong they have done and for them to get what they deserve. But that is not Your way, Jesus. Yours is the way of forgiveness. You are slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. Even when You were nailed to the cross, You cried out for God to forgive the very people who were murdering You. Fill me with Your strength, compassion, and love, dear Jesus. Mold me in Your image.

God, I Pray You to fill each member of NAMBC life with all the happiness and fulfilment, So that they can live with satisfaction. Please Heal their wounds and set them from the trap of hatred and enemy.

I pray you to accept my prayer, provide enough wisdom for us to walk straight and stay away from evils. Let your angles stay beside each of us ensuring that we don’t get entangled with anything harmful.

In Jesus’s name, Amen.

November 7, 2022 – Dear God, we thank You for the services brought to NAMBC by Pastor Will Cate yesterday. Your Word give us strength and hope, promises that whoever believes in You will have rivers of living water flowing from our heart. We’ve given our heart to You, Lord. We are Your blood-bought children. Our name is engraved in the palm of Your hand.

We are thirsty, and long for Your living water to flow in all its fullness through us today and every day You give us on this earth.

Holy Spirit, fill us right now overflowing with the fullness of Your Peace, Presence, Love, Joy and Hope.

Just as you ensure a spring is constantly renewed with fresh water to keep it pure and flowing freely, renew us today. Awaken us each day with a deep and abiding desire to meet with You. Give us an unquenchable thirst as we sit at Your feet. Ignite a passion in us for more of You and more of Your Word. Convict us, minister to our heart and encourage us to do Your will.

We ask this in Jesus’ most precious and holy name. Amen

October 30, 2022 – Heavenly Father, Thank You for the Sunday service that Pastor Jimmy Sharp provided to us about “Running from God”.

What an example Jonah is to all of us. Thank You that even when we are faithless, You remain faithful. I fear I am too ready and willing to criticize the behavior of Jonah who tried to run from Your Word in order to escape carrying out Your plans and purposes in his life. Forgive me for the times I have turned a deaf ear to Your call or a blind eye to Your Word of truth.

I pray that I would be ready and willing to hear and obey Your call on my life, no matter how difficult or unusual it may be. Help me to develop a Christ-like heart of compassion for souls that are lost and bound for eternal separation from You. I pray that many would hear the truth and turn from their sin to faith in Christ’s finished work on Calvary. Use me to share the good news of salvation so that many who are dead in their sins may come to know Christ as Savior and Lord. Help me to be alert to the promptings of the Holy Spirit in my life and to be ready and willing to do only those things that come from You. This I ask in Jesus’ name, Amen.

October 24, 2022 – Dear God, WOW! what a Sunday Service we had both morning and evening. Thank You, God for allowing Pastor Will Cate to speak Your word to us and remind us that we are here to serve You, which requires us to help the needy, the lost, the homeless just as You would. Your Word often talks about people in need finding safety. We pray today for lost souls, the homeless people, that children and families in need with no place to call home will be guided to places of peace and security. Please be near them, remain by their sides and meet their needs. Show us how to be a part of their lives by generously giving our prayers, time, and money to help them. Guide us so that we can spread Your word to the needy and the lost. Direct our actions so we can help the world understand that when we help the needy, we are acting as the body of Christ. Let us be a cornerstone for those in our community who are less fortunate. I ask You, almighty Father, to show us unending opportunities to help them and serve You.

Scripture tells us so many times that people who believe in You are to be kind to the poor and make sure they have enough to eat. We pray that You don’t let us forget Your command to support children and families in need.

You are an ever-present help in time of trouble. Be a source of hope and encouragement to families with single mothers and fathers. Let them see Your love in both word and deed from the Christ followers in their lives. Allow us to reach out to the lost and invite them to hear the good news of how You came from Glory and gave Your life on Calvary for them so they may spend eternity in heaven.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

October 17, 2022 – Dear God, Thank You for the wonderful church services You provided through Pastor Colt Howard yesterday. Both the morning service on confession and repentance and the evening service on where we get our hope, really made me think about Your forgiveness and our hope in You.

Why do You forgive us? We shout praises to You when we sing worship, but with the same tongue we curse other people that are made in Your image. We say we love You and still keep sinning. We spend time in prayer thanking You for Your blessings, and then we refuse to bless others. We read our Bibles when we make time for it, but we also read other nonsense that is offensive to You. We praise Jesus for His death on the cross for the atonement of our sins, and then we nail Him to it again every time we trespass against You. Why do You forgive us every single time? I am so thankful for Your endless supply of forgiveness! I can’t fathom how You do it, for I am only one person. You do this for every single person! The compassion, grace, and mercy that flows from You is absolutely amazing, and I love You for it! Thank you so much for forgiving me every time I sin! You are worthy to be praised!

God, My hope is not in the hoped-for answers to my prayers. But my hope is in You and Your Word, that it will sustain me, guide me, and give me wisdom in the midst of all that is happening around me. Your word says, You are the hope for hopeless, so we are running to You with both hands stretched out and grabbing on to You. Fill us up with hope and give us a tangible reminder today that hope is an unbreakable spiritual lifeline. I ask that you give us true faith, and make that faith grow in us day by day. Give us hope and love, so that we may serve our neighbors according to Your will; through Your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

October 10, 2022 – Faithful Father, we begin today by giving You thanks. Your love endures forever, it never fails. Though there are many ways in which we have failed, we have not exceeded the supply of Your mercy and grace. We thank You for the message brought to us by Pastor Darin Lane yesterday. Thank You for revealing Yourself to us through Your word that he brought before us. We continue pray that we will hear Your voice throughout this week. We ask that Your Holy Spirit would continue to be at work, opening our ears to hear and our hearts to receive Your word this week as we did during the service delivered to us yesterday. May we be transformed into Your likeness.

In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

October 3, 2022 – Lord God, we thank You and praise You for leading Pastor Will Cate to bring the services to NAMBC yesterday. We praise You for allowing the Holy Spirit to flow throughout the entire congregation. We praise You for all those who came to the alter knowing that no matter why they were there, You were there with them.

As we prepare to go throughout this week we ask that the same sweet spirit we felt yesterday goes with us throughout this week. Please let us be filled with Your spirit. Wherever we go, let us spread love, joy, peace, goodness, and faithfulness. Let us desire to become more like You and to worship You in all we do. Help us desire these things so much more than the sin that entices us. Thank You for always going before us.

Lord God, You are merciful, kind, and You are filled with compassion. Only You can bring true peace; only You can bring true joy. We ask that You mold us and make us in Your image, in Your pattern of holiness. Make us instruments of Your peace to comfort and provide Your compassion to those who need it. Let us strengthen and uphold them with Your loving hands and show them the way to heaven.

Lord God, we thank you for the infirmities that are put upon us, allowing us to bring them to You and continue to worship You. Help us to remember that You are in everything that happens in our life. No matter what ails us, You are with us. God, use our afflictions to bring You glory and to bless us and others. Sometimes the greatest work is done by You through our weaknesses and pain. Help us to keep our eyes off ourselves and put them on You. Keep our focus on the You instead of our infirmities, and let Your Holy Spirit be our strength in times of weakness.

In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

September 28, 2022 – God, You saw it fit for us to gather together at NAMBC and worship You this past Sunday. It is not because we are perfect people but because You are an awesome God that is worthy of our worship. Thank you for making us worthy to stand before You to worship You through Your son Jesus Christ. Lord, as we go throughout this week may our worship be acceptable to You. Thank you for the much needed spiritual services that Pastor Randy Troutman delivered. Thank you for the wonderful time that we have shared. May we continue in Your word and use it for the glory of Your holy name. Let all glory and honor come back to You, Father God, for You have been with us from the beginning. You know the needs of our hearts and the needs at NAMBC. We ask You to continue speaking to us. Open our spiritual ears that we may be able to hear in the spirit and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. Help us to continue looking up to You every day even when life does not make sense. Father, do not allow the enemy to steal the joy of salvation that You have filled in our hearts. We come against strife and contention that usually comes when people leave worship services in the name of Jesus Christ. Help us to continue fixing our gaze on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Thank you for your love and forgiveness.

In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

September 20, 2022 – Dear God, We thank You for trusting the church members with the responsibility to search for our next pastor. This is a task that we do not take lightly. We know we are in need of supernatural discernment as we journey through this process and are asking You to join us as we pray through this season of preparing for our next pastor and his family. James 5:16 states, “Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” With this in mind, we need to be right with You and come to You with a clean conscience so that our prayers are not hindered.

We are seeking Your will for New Antioch Missionary Baptist Church. We covet all prayers during this season of transition and change. For that reason, we ask that you utilize this prayer to cover the Pastor Search Committee, the congregation, and the future pastor of our church. We want to build unity and have clear knowledge of Your will for our future pastor.

In your name I pray, Amen.

September 15, 2022 – Dear God, please give us wisdom, patience, and respect in Your family so that we may value each person, listen to the voices of character and maturity regardless of age, and be open to hearing Your truth no matter who You use to speak it to us.

In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

September 6, 2022 – Father, we thank You today for the gift of praise. Thank you for revealing Yourself to us through Your Word, by Your Spirit, and in Your creation, that we might stand in awe of You. You alone are worthy of praise and glory and honor, for You have created all things, that in all things You might be preeminent. For every request that we offer, every supplication that we raise, and every intercession we make, let us never neglect to render the praise You are due.

In the name of my Savior, Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen