Prayer Requests

If you have any prayer requests, please go to the “Contact Us” page and complete the form and we will be glad to add them to this page.

NAMBC Pastor pray for Brother Andy Lynn as he follows God’s guidance and direction in the leading NAMBC.

NAMBC Vision – pray that as a church family we will all have an open heart and mind for God to lead, guide and direct our path to fulfill the vision of the church with a Fellowship Hall.

America that we as a country will turn back to God

NAMBC’s Youth – pray for the youth to keep their focus on God, their heart and minds open to Him and Him alone.

Our Missionaries that they will be safe while continuing their ministry to others

Richard & Kristi Guay, Bobby Gates, Roger & Tammy Tooley, Mon Philip Cuenza

Salvation for the lost – they will come to the saving knowledge of the truth in Jesus Christ.

Tommy Henson, Tari Lawson, Luke (Judy Gregg’s nephew), Garcia (Karen Snyder’s husband), Ashley Burchell, Ronnie (Raymond Pratt’s friend), Jeremy Graham, Ross Graham, Brad Foster (Donna Roach’s cousins), Renee’ (unbeliever with liver cancer), Health Hensley, Tom Hensley

Other Churches – keep the other churches in your prayers. Some of them are looking for a pastor as well. Some are needing prayers for growth, spiritual guidance, attendance, etc.

Community – pray that God will teach us to love our community, to understand the problems others are going through and find ways to help them in ways they need it most, to provide peace and harmony where there is violence and dissent within the community. Ask God to bring prosperity and hope where there is poverty and despair. Pray for wisdom and insight where there is confusion and a lack of understanding. Pray that NAMBC can make a difference in letting others know IT IS ALL ABOUT HIM

Members – NAMBC has several members, family & friends that are needing prayers. There are several unspoken requests, spiritual requests, personal relationship request, and for those are having health issues.

Friends and Family of NAMBC members:

  • The Lost
  • Pastor Andy’s family
  • Second Lady Dina’s dad
  • Raymond & Crissy Pratt
  • Jonathan & Karen Grills
  • Linda Cole’s great grandson (Silas)
  • Linda Cole’s husband (John) auto immune disorder
  • Buddy Mulkey (stroke, in nursing home not doing well)
  • Health and Tom Hensley (salvation)
  • Cindy Hensley’s sister (Punkin Drinnon) various health issue
  • Karen Snyder’s husband (Garcia) asthma/lung problems, salvation
  • The Hodge family
  • Jane Tanner
  • Billy & Carolyn Geames
  • Paul & Darlene Terry
  • Terri Harvey & family (passing of Tim)
  • Drama Hamilton’s family (salvation: Michel, Kelsie, Corbin Hamilton & Danielle Dalton)
  • Crissy Pratt’s daughter (Sonya Burchfield)
  • Carolyn Geames’ sister & brother-n-law (Marilyn & Johnny)
  • Mike Pratt (mental health & declined vision)
  • Clifton & Sue Hill
  • Jim & Sharon Sharp
  • Linda White’s grandson (Knox Vest, 11yrs old) heart issues
  • Bryan Roach’s daughter (Cara, diagnosed with Crohn’s)
  • Karen Snyder’s aunt, Billie Fisher, fractured pelvis
  • Pastor Donnie Owenby’s church in Florida (destroyed by hurricane)
  • Bob Brown – heart surgery (needs salvation)
  • Mark Mink – surgery
  • Pam Blanton
  • Susie Cole
  • Haley Hodge
  • Pasiley Lynn
  • Judy Cline
  • Todd & Cindy Hensley (multiple health issues)

Cancer Prayer List put your war clothes on against cancer. We all know someone (even maybe yourself) who is battling this awful sickness. If you would like to have a name added, please contact Donna at 865-254-9984 or use our “Contact Us” form and we will add it to this list:

  • Billy Geames’ brother (Michael Geames)
  • Carolyn Geames’ brother-n-law (Johnny), sister, Marylin and niece, Ashley as they care for him
  • Carolyn Geames’ daughter (Stephanie) chemo regimen working so far but causing extreme weakness
  • Karen Grills’ sister (Donna Morris) healing from cancer surgery
  • Gary Blanton
  • Jimmy Tarrant (brain cancer)
  • Bob Monday
  • Mike Mitchell
  • Roger Keller
  • Becky Turner
  • Ginger King’s high school friend (Rusty Russell) stage 4 cancer
  • Pastor Andy & Stacy’s neighbor, Ernie, stem cell transplant
  • Sharon Sharp – breast cancer
  • Libby Lusk’s friend, Marcella, hospice
  • Pastor Andy’s co-worker, Chris Smith, Thyroid cancer
  • Pastor Freeman Clark’s daughter, Rhonda
  • Linda Cole’s niece, Heather